Rotorua Property Investors' Association

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Archive: June 2020

More assistance for tenants and termination restrictions lifted

Usual termination rules will now apply from 26th June 2020. The removal of these temporary measures allows landlords to give termination notices to tenants under the standard Residential Tenancies Act 1986 provisions. Usual notice periods will apply from the date notices are given. Landlords who have had fixed-term agreements rollover can now send notices to terminate these tenancies.
19-06-2020 more >>

Rotorua Property Investors Association - June Meeting- Beating the Odds NOTE NEW VENUE

Peter Ambrose successful property investor and property coach will join us to tell us his investment story and how you can succeed in the property game post Covid-19
09-06-2020 more >>

The effect of lockdown on landlords and tenants

Here are the results of a recent survey of 639 NZPIF members
05-06-2020 more >>

Extension for Healthy Homes Compliance Statement requirement

Sharon Cullwick, NZ Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) Executive Officer, welcomes the extension by the Government of the deadline requiring landlords to provide Healthy Homes Compliance Statements. The original date was the 1st July 2020 and this date has been extended until the 1st of December 2020.
04-06-2020 more >>

Initiatives to help landlords and tenants needed

Like everyone landlords are facing tough times due to the fall out of Covid-19. This includes loss of income, reduced wages and business losses. Here are some Government actions which would assist landlords and consequently their tenants.
01-06-2020 more >>

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