Housing NZ is selling 15 Auckland state houses for an expected $12 million windfall ahd has already put seven of them up for sale as part of a plan to exit the mansion market. 11-04-2008 more >>
The mortgage market has been noticeably calmer over the past week with few changes in rates. After the recent general upswing in loan rates this will be welcome news for anyone who needs to refinance now. 11-04-2008 more >>
House buyers are waiting for prices to drop, tenants are crying out against big rent hikes and sellers still have unrealistically high expectations. 10-04-2008 more >>
Renters are hurting as much as homeowners - national average rents are up by just over 7 per cent, the average rental now costs %300 per week. 28-03-2008 more >>
President of the NZPIF appreciates the aim of the Minister of Building and Construction to ensure renters have more stability but says there are downsides to long term leases of 15-33 years 27-03-2008 more >>
Concern over the long-term increase in families renting rather than owning homes has prompted Minister for Building and Construction, Shane Jones to propose providing stable rental rights, for the benefit of both landlords and tenants. 25-03-2008 more >>
Mortgage lenders have continued to raise home loan rates over the past week and there are suggestions from some commentators that they could go higher still. 20-03-2008 more >>
The feature article in the February 15 ANZ Property Focus says that the rising supply of sections and apartments on the market relative to total stock of houses is one sign of unease. 29-02-2008 more >>
Parliament resumed for the year on 12 February.
The Federation (on 21st February) was invited by the Commerce Select committee to present its oral testimony to the inquiry into housing affordability. 29-02-2008 more >>
The Commerce Commission is investigating several alleged breaches of the Fair Trading Act by Blue Chip which may have broken a string of laws. 26-02-2008 more >>
Urgent notices are being issued to investors who bought properties from real estate businesses associated with Blue Chip telling them to terminate their lease deals 19-02-2008 more >>
First the LivingSpace brand was a new kind of accommodation, now it is behind a new type of investment, writes Liz McDonald of The Press 11-02-2008 more >>
Reserve Bank governor Alan Bollard today signalled no relief for mortagage holders in the near future as he held interest rates steady at 8.25 percent 24-01-2008 more >>
Up until recently there have been no changes to rates since late last year, however in the past two weeks there have been wholesale changes across the board, and big ones at that. 18-01-2008 more >>
The Federation has been invited by the Commerce Select Committee to appear before it and present oral testimony on its written submission on 21 February 2008. 10-01-2008 more >>
The NZ Property Investor reports Westpac economists are predicting that rents are set to rise 6% per annum driven mainly by three economic fundamentals. 09-01-2008 more >>
Anne Gibson reports that Auckland house owners got much richer last year, despite a levelling off in the super-heated property market. 08-01-2008 more >>